Manitou springs or bust
Relocation information
12 of the Most Charming Small Towns in Colorado
We’re thrilled to be a part of TravelMag’s list of the 12 Most Charming Small Towns in Colorado! Take a look to see what makes Manitou Springs such a special place.
Moving to Manitou?
Know before you go
Find everything you need to know before you move to Manitou Springs. Meet real estate agents, rental companies, understand where and how to sign up for utilities like gas, water, electric and trash service. Learn about the Manitou School District 14 and area colleges.
Colorado Springs Utilities
Provides electric and gas service to Manitou Springs, Colorado. Learn more about CSU rates, fees and more.
Manitou Water
Manitou's municipal drinking water comes from snowmelt and natural springs on Pikes Peak. Residents are the primary, first-time consumers of the water in Manitou Springs.
GFL is the City's current trash/recycling contractor for Residential Services and Waste Connections is the City's trash/recycling provider for downtown and City parks.
Only in Manitou
The Manitou Incline gains nearly 2,000 feet of elevation over less than 1 mile. If you’re an exercise enthusiast it’s like having a Stair Master in your backyard!
Manitou’s public indoor pool and fitness center. Pool water is ozone-treated, so no chlorine! Plus, the indoor pool and spa do not close during lightning storms.
Manitou Springs is famous for its cold-water effervescent mineral drinking springs. There are eight springs in the downtown area that run 24 hours a day for public sipping.
Crazy Community Events
…like the Emma Crawford Coffin Races, every October, The Great Fruitcake Toss, and Carnivale Parade! If you enjoy creative and enthusiastic community events, you’ll love Manitou Springs.
Get to know the area
Get a relocation guide
A comprehensive guide to Manitou Springs and the Pikes Peak region offers prospective and new residents an essential resource for making decisions on real estate, finance/banking, jobs, healthcare, schools and more!
Area Colleges
Local Real Estate Agencies

Colorado Peak
Real Estate
Andrea Warner is your home-town REALTOR, a NAME you can TRUST. Residential and Property Management Real Estate Services.

Allen Realty
We can help you buy, sell, lease, or trade any type of real property. We specialize in client-based Real Estate, be it residential or commercial, investments and exchanges and also offer consultation and counseling services.

Homes of Manitou Springs
Specializing in Residential Real Estate, Commercial Properties, Real Estate Investment, Vacant Land Sales and Property Management. Areas served to include Colorado Springs, Green Mountain Falls, Manitou Springs, and Woodland Park.

Manitou Springs Real Estate
A full service licensed real estate company in the state of Colorado that specializes in Manitou Springs but serves the entire Pikes Peak region.