Together Manitou Springs

Support Manitou Businesses

Use the link below to find out which of your favorite businesses are open!

Stay up to date on COVID-19 resources

Click on the link below to get the most up to date resources for businesses, as well as to find out what Manitou is doing to take care of the community.

Howl at 8pm

Join everyone in our community in a group howl at 8pm every night to show your support for front line personnel, or even just to finally be able to interact with people around you while you’re stuck at home!

So at 8pm, open your door, window, or just step outside and let us hear your HOWL!

Manitou Clean

The Public Works Department has been working diligently on city clean-up projects. The staff is currently working on the parks, establishing their healthy vegetation, as well as maintaining the welfare of the playgrounds and pavilions. We are also power washing all trash cans, pavilions, picnic tables and repainting or staining as needed. We are also deep cleaning, (disinfecting) facilities, public restrooms, and gathering places within the city limits. Together we will make Manitou Springs strong again as we lead the way keeping our city a healthy place to visit. #ManitouClean


Want a sticker?

Together Manitou Springs stickers will be available soon for any togo order from local restaurants, or online orders from local shops! Get your sticker and use #TogetherManitouSprings on social media to show us how far reaching the Manitou Springs community is! Who knows, there may be a prize in it for you too...
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