Parking options & rates

Manitou Parking

Hiawatha Gardens
155 Spaces
$1.50 - $2.50/hr
Wichita Lot
97 Spaces
$3/hr • $25 daily
Smischny Lot
41 Spaces
$3/hr • $25 daily
Canon Lot
46 Spaces
$2.50 - $4.00/hr
On-street parking
414 Spaces
Starting at $3.25/hr
Fields Park
Barr Parking Lot
$20 daily
No visitor parking is allowed on residential streets. Signs are posted and fines are steep.

Real-time parking availability

Parking tickets

If you’ve received a parking ticket in Manitou Springs, we understand mistakes happen, and we’re here to help. Please feel free to reach out to Manitou Springs Parking Management, and they’ll do our best to assist you with any inquiries or concerns regarding your ticket.

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