Ready, set, bake!
Ice Cream Social &
Pie Baking Contest
Pie baking details
The tradition continues
Pie baking in Manitou Springs is serious business. Community members gather together the first Monday in July to compete for fame, glory, and bragging rites. (The rest of us just show up to eat pie!) Don’t miss this old-fashioned community event.
- July 1, 2024
- 5:30 pm
- Bud Ford Pavilion - Soda Springs Park
- $2 ice cream + $3 pie CASH ONLY
- Wheel Chair Accessible
Live Music
From Little London Winds
- 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
- Bring a Chair
Pie Baking Contest Rules
Here’s where we police the pies. If you are planning on baking a pie for the competition be sure you follow our hard and fast rules.
- Competitors must provide TWO of the same kind of HOMEMADE pie.
- Pies may NOT contain dairy or cream. Any cream or dairy pies will not be eligible for consumption or judging.
- Pies may be no smaller than 8 inches in diameter.
- Competitors must have pies at Soda Springs Park between 4:00-4:30 pm to be registered for the contest.
- Judging will begin promptly at 5:00 pm
- Winners will be announced and sent to all local media.
- Pie tasting experts will be judging the pies (all judges decisions are FINAL)
- There is no entry fee. This is a “FUN” competition!
- Prizes will be awarded to the first, second & third place winners of the best pie. Kids division (14 and under) may enter a pie and judging will be based upon the best pie overall in the 14 and under division.
- After judging, pies will be sold by the slice to help defray the expenses of Chamber of Commerce for sponsoring the Ice Cream Social.
- Collect pie plates at the end of the ice cream social OR for one week after the event at 354 Manitou Ave. Pie plates left after one week may be donated.
Bake a Pie
And win!
If you are up for a bit of friendly competition with your neighbors, bring two of your finest pie creations to Soda Springs Park and offer them up to the pie judges. (Judges do not accept bribes or cream pies!)
And the 2024
Winners are.....
1st Place to Stephanie Hockersmith with “Steph’s Cherry Pie.”
2nd Place to Rob Morlan with “Apple Cranberry Jalapeño.”
3rd Place to Renee Mendieta with “Blueberry Bombshell.”
1st Place to James DeSantis with “Crazy Crumbly Caramely Appely Pie.”
2nd Place to Ariana Rose Harrison with “Chocolate Covered Strawberry Delight.”
A huge congratulations to all winners and thank you to all participants for making this yet another successful Pie Baking Contest and Ice Cream Social!

Volunteer with us for a free slice!
Sign up to be a pie cutter or an ice cream scooper and receive a free slice to take home! Email to sign up.