Get ready for music all summer long

The 2024 FREE Summer Concert Series

Ready to jam?

Mark Your Calendars

June Line up
July Line up
August Line up

Thank you to all the bands who are performing for our 2024 Summer Concert Series!  2025 Concerts TBD.

Please note: Bookings are through Manitou Music Foundation. If you’re a local musician looking to get on the wait list, email them at

Friday, June 7 @ 6:00 p.m.

Tenderfoot Bluegrass

Tender Foot Bluegrass began in Manitou Springs, Colorado in 2005.
We find no greater high than when performing for a crowd. The synergy that happens with our audience, just feels right.

friday, June 14 @ 6:00 p.m.

Kings of Trio

We are seriously going to rock this town! Come hear Zeppelin, James Gang, Police, Stevie Wonder, The Cure, 311, Hendrix, Prince, and ZZ Top. Oh, and Van Halen! And Steppenwolf! And one Phish song, if I can sneak it in there! Where my 36th street neighbors?

every Monday starting June 17 @ 7:00pm

Little London Winds

The Little London Winds performs a variety of music literature from classic band literature to well-known pieces loved by all ages. We perform in concert multiple times a year including concerts in the fall, holiday concerts, spring educational concerts, and our wildly popular summer concert series. 

friday, June 21 @ 6:00 pm

Roma Ransom

Roma Ransom has been together since 2010, performing across the country in a wide array of venues. Roma Ransom plays music that is best described as eclectic bohemian world folk with sounds that can be identifiable from music played across the entire earth. Roma Ransom has a passion to enlighten and enrich people’s lives with music from many different cultures and generations

Friday, June 28 @ 6:00 p.m.

They will be playing Blues, Rock, Soul and a little Jazz. Tim Costello guitar and vocals. Kenny Budd guitar and vocals. Mark Hall bass and background vocals. Bob drums

Friday, July 5 @ 6:00 p.m.

Fiddling country rock band.

Friday, July 12 @ 6:00 p.m.

Tiny Pockets

Bringing you r&b, rock, pop, country and more – we’ve got a pocket for everyone!

Friday, July 19 @ 6:00 p.m.

Look'ee Here

LOOK’EE HERE! consists of Archtop Eddy, vocals, guitars, kazoo, etc.; Ken Riesterer, trumpet, cornet, harmonica, washboard, etc.; Brian Hofflander, upright-slap and mini bass.

Friday, July 26 @ 6:00 p.m.

Joe Johnson & Friends

Joe Johnson will be here with a great mix of folk, bluegrass, and country tunes. He’ll also be bringing some special guests.

Friday, August 2 @ 6:00 p.m.

Patchwork Jack

This merry band of westerners (both north and south american) thread together such influences as Texan country, Cajun folk, Latin ballads, and Romani swing. Their music, like an old worn-out quilt, tells tales of love, loss, resilience and the human experience. A heaping helping of honky-tonk humanity might be just what you need. 

Friday, August 9 @ 6:00 p.m.

Ruby Greenberg Trio

Colorado, folk singer-songwriter Ruby Greenberg’s music perfectly embodies an enchanting view of the mountainside. Her indie-folk melodies and lyrics are inspired by the natural surroundings that bring her joy, so it’s no surprise that her songs are a perfect pairing with a walk in the woods or a day exploring in nature.

Friday, August 16 @ 6:00 p.m.

Front Range Big Band

The Front Range Big Band is a band for the community, performing for special community events, park concerts, and private parties. The band specializes in classic big band, jazz, swing and Latin music.

Friday, August 23 @ 6:00 p.m.

El Paso County Outlaws

Rock n’ Roll cover band. Formed in 2022 EPCO is Zebulon, Jonesie, Doc, Buddha and G-Man

Friday, August 30 @ 6:00 p.m.

Ixchel Dion

An R&B, Funk, Indie, and whatever else kind of artist 

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